
Chemical Reagents
Nitroblue tetrazolium chlorideCOA Report
  • CAS No.: 298-83-9
  • Molecular weight:817.65
  • Aliases: NBT,p-Nitro-Blue tetrazolium chloride,Nitro BT
  • Molecular formula:C40H30Cl2N10O6
Specification category:
Product No. Product name specifications
1.28753.010 Nitroblue tetrazolium chloride BR0.25g
Characteristic: Appearance and properties: light yellow crystalline powder, easily deliquescence.
Melting point (℃): 200
Hazard characteristics:

Hazardous characteristics: case of fire, heat or contact with oxidants, cause a fire hazard. Health hazards: vapor or would irritate mist nose, throat and respiratory tract. Environmental hazards: a hazard to the environment, water, soil and atmospheric pollution. Explosion Hazards: This product is combustible in high temperature.

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