
Chemical Reagents
Calcium chloride anhydrous COA Report
  • CAS No.:10043-52-4
  • Molecular weight:110.99
  • Aliases:Calcium chloride anhydrous 
  • Molecular formula:CaCl2
  • EC No.:233-140-8
Specification category:
Product No. Product Name Specification
1.03377.010 Calcium chloride anhydrous  AR500g
1.03377.020 Calcium chloride anhydrous  AR25kg
1.03377.030 Calcium chloride anhydrous  CP500g
1.03377.040 Calcium chloride anhydrous  CP25kg
1.03377.050 Calcium chloride anhydrous  AR500g/No nails carton
1.03377.070 Calcium chloride anhydrous  Spec12kg
Characteristic: Appearance and properties: white, odorless solid
pH value: 8-10 (100 g / l H2O, 20 ° C)
Relative density: 2.15 g/cm3 (20 ° C)
Melting Point(℃): 772 ° C
Boiling Point(℃):> 1600 ° C
Concentration: Pure
Vapor Pressure: 0.01 mm Hg (20 ° C)
Solubility: soluble in water (emit a lot of heat) and ethanol.
Hazard characteristics:

No Dangerous Good

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